Our Services

Summit Financial Services, Inc.

Our mission is to provide personal, caring and knowledgeable advice to help you clarify your goals and realize your dreams. We’ll sit with you and really get to know who you are and where you want to be. Together, we’ll go over your current and long-term financial needs. That way, we can help you create a realistic, personalized investment strategy. We view each of our relationships in the context of a process that evolves over time. If your financial situation changes, we will always be ready to adjust your portfolio. Our primary commitment is your long-term financial success.

The professionals at Summit Financial Services, Inc. believe in flexibility. We will consider a wide range of investments before recommending the portfolio we feel is best suited to your individual financial objectives. Choices may include institutional portfolio management services, stock/bond/real estate mutual funds, tax deferred variable annuities and guaranteed fixed annuities.

Your objectives may include financing a comfortable retirement, providing for your children’s or grandchildren’s education, a daughter’s wedding and/or many other goals that will bring you satisfaction and peace of mind. We want you to feel confident that your aspirations are attainable. We take great pride in our sound, consistent, professional advice and service.